MS Degree in Geography Education Final Project

This pilot project integrates elements of humanities, science, art, and technology into an innovative multidisciplinary approach to meeting the school’s mission.  The program fits well with the HSCS sixth grade program of study that emphasizes the relationship between humans and their environment.  

As a pilot project during the 2005‐2006 school year, the greatest benefit to future development of a multidisciplinary curriculum along the KG‐9 continuum can be derived from the experiences of the students, faculty, and parents at the sixth grade level. All assets obtained through the funding of the various facets of this project will be available in subsequent years for use by other classes, regardless of grade.

Groups of four to five students work in teams supervised by an adult volunteer.  Teams present a capstone that uses elements learned in the humanities‐science‐art‐technology curriculum.  Projects will vary depending on student interest. We anticipate PowerPoint presentations and Publisher brochures as the most common project types; however, students and encouraged to be creative. Some students will choose a community service project (e.g., adopting a tree in the orchard, planting or weeding the organic farm, clearing trails in the wetlands, compiling an oral history of the homesteader’s of the land on which HSCS was built, etc.) to demonstrate that they, too, are stewards of the land much like others who have lived in the valley over thousands of years. In addition, we hope to culminate the year with an art exhibit displayed at a public location on the school campus. 

The project teaches students about these first residents and settlers through speakers and books.  Members of the Shoshone‐Bannock tribe connect millennia of history to the children’s knowledge of contemporary Idaho by way of oral histories and presentations.  Books about the Shoshone‐Bannock nation and culture in the class library provide students with resources to supplement their research.  

The link to more recent settlers of the Dry Creek Valley is through the eyes, voice, and writing of one of its long‐time residents, Dorothy Still Wyman.  A class set of her book about the history of the Dry Creek Valley, Light Upon the Mountain, imbues the children with a sense that history is not so far away, but follows a timeline that they equally share and can influence.  A videoed oral history taken of Ms. Wyman in November 2005 will likewise be shown to the class.

Environmental Science and Geography
The HSCS charter calls for a science curriculum that is a multi‐year sequence emphasizing hands‐on experimentation and functional knowledge of scientific phenomena.  This pilot project proposes a formal inclusion of environmental education as part of that educational process.  Technology will be used to support a child’s natural way of learning through individual and group discovery and seeking solutions to real life challenges. 

All students participate in walking field trips of the valley’s environmental resources which will be lead by wildlife, naturalist, organic farming, and other specialists.  Universal access issues will be discussed to raise awareness of the natural and constructed barriers preventing people with disabilities from equal access, and students will help troubleshoot those barriers so all class members can participate in the field trip.  
Sixth graders will learn the basic elements of the scientific method: 1) select a problem; 2) research the literature; 3) develop a hypothesis(ses) or research questions; 4) determine an appropriate method to
measure the hypothesis(ses) or research questions; 5) collect relevant data; 6) analyze and interpret the results; 7) present the results; and, 8) recommend areas for further study or replicating the results. 
Future areas of development include the following: 1) Use of Global Positioning System (GPS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) software to study patterns in or elements of the environment; 2) Use water testing kits to track water quality in water sources within the Dry Creek Valley; and, 3) Study of wildlife preservation, organic farming, native and non‐native vegetation, and conservation in the valley.
Art and Technology
The traditional sixth grade art curriculum focuses on the Western Hemisphere.  This fits well with the other disciplines represented in this pilot project.  The seven elements of art – texture, value, color, space, form, shape, line – will be taught through a variety of activities.

Evaluation of the pilot project involves a variety of methods:  
      Students will undergo a pre/post test that measures the learning goals and objectives over time.   
      Each group’s final project is graded against criteria developed from the humanities, science, arts, and technology curriculum.

      An open‐ended questionnaire for students, parents, and project contributors assesses what aspects of the program worked and which ones need enhancement to make the multidisciplinary program better for subsequent sixth grades.